Srs Be Aware

srs (software requirments specifications)

SRS Be Aware

Examinations are integral part of any educational institute. In school education, examinations are conducted four times a year. A typical schedule of exams in schools is as follows:
 First term exams – after 3 months of start of classes
 Second term exams – after 6 months of start of classes
 Third term exams – after 9 months of start of classes
 Final term exams – after 12 months of start of classes
For each exam, a question paper of each subject is manually developed by the concerned teacher and submitted to the composing staff for typing and printing. Suppose, a school has 10 classes and in each class 5 subjects are taught, therefore, 50 papers are needed to be developed and composed on computer for each examination. It requires a lot of time and effort to develop such huge number of question papers for each exam.
Furthermore, this activity is repeated for each term-examination which results in duplication of effort and huge waste of time and resources. The time and effort can be saved if there is a computerized question paper generation system that randomly selects questions from a computerized question bank and generates the question paper automatically. You are required to develop this automatic question paper generation system. For it to be accessible from any computer or location, it should be an online web application.


Scope of Project Be Aware:

Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project  goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines. Defining the project scope involves adopting a clear vision and an agreement on the outcomes of the project. This allows each milestone of the project to stay on target

Functional and Non Functional Requirements of Be Aware:

Functional Requirements :

A functional requirement shows that what the system must do what services the system present to users. It describes a software system or its component. A function is nothing but inputs to the software system, its behavior, and outputs

Functional Requirements of Be Aware:

User Requirements:
 The user has to register into the system providing his personal details to use this
 The user can also update his details as well.
 The user has to login into the system to add or view the news.
 The user can add news selecting a city or locality in the respective category.
 The user can add a picture and a title related to the news.
 The user can use only 500 words to elaborate the news.
 The user can view the news based on the city selected at the time of registration.
 List of User’s published news should be displayed so he can view/update/delete the news and can also view action taken by admin if any.
 The user can only view the news of his city but can add news related to other cities.
 If the user finds any news is not true or offensive he can report it to the admin and admin shall take some action.
 The latest news is shown first and so on.
 The system should provide swipe to move to the next or previous news with transition effects.
 User can request the Admin to add a new category.
Admin Requirements:
 Admin can Add/Update/delete the categories. Only admin has the right of categories. User cannot add/delete/update a category.
 Admin will monitor if any abuse or irrelevant or fake news added by any users and will take some action.
 Admin should login into the system to monitors news or reports by the users.
 Admin can view all the news of all the cities.
 Admin is responsible to monitor any news is been reported to him to cross check.
 Admin can either delete the news or modify it if offensive or abusive language spoken in the news.
 If a user has posted some abusive, violent or fake news, his account should be disabled for at least one month and a warning email should be sent to the user registered email account.


  • Application is user friendly.
  • Application Perform fast manipulation and calculations.
  • Application is adaptable.
  • Application will be able to work on all types of operating systems.
  • Application will be capable to handle multi user activities simultaneously.
  • There will be back up system to face any problem in system
  • All the options should be learning friendly I.e. member could easily understand what that option will do if he clicked on it.
  • Response Time is very awesome.
Some others are:
  • Accessibility
  • Maintainability
  •  Fault Tolerance.
  • Security
  • Robustnes


Use Case Diagram of Diagnosis of Be Aware

a use case diagram can summarize the details of your system’s users   and their interactions with the system. Scenarios in which your system or application interacts with organizations, people, or external systems. Goals that your system or application helps those entities achieve



Usage Scenarios Diagnosis of Be Aware:

A brief user story explaining who is using the system and what they are trying to accomplish. A Scenario is made up of a number of simple, discrete steps that are designated as being performed by either the System or a  User.



The adopted methodology for this project is vu process model. Vu process model is a combination of water-fall model and spiral model. This combination has many advantages. This model has high risk analysis so avoidance of risk would be achieved. This model is easy to understand and use. Now first we will discuss the Water-fall model.


Work Plan of Diagnosis of Be Aware:

Work plan

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