MTH603 Midterm Past Paper online Practice Quiz

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midterm past paper quiz

MTH603 Midterm Past Paper

You have come here while searching for MTH603 midterm past papers. But before going to download the MTH603 midterm past paper. I have a better option for you. That is, that you can attempt the online quiz of MTH603.

Practice Quiz from MTH603 Midterm Past Paper

This quiz will evaluate your preparation for the MTH603 midterm examination and it is based on the past papers of MTH603. The purpose of this quiz is to evaluate your performance in this subject. If you can pass this quiz, then there is a great chance that you can secure good marks in your exams.

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midterm past paper quiz

MTH603 Midterm Past Papers Practice Quiz

Welcome to MTH603 Midterm Online Practice Quiz.

You can check your preparation of MTH603 for your Exams here.

Questions Will be different every time you will attempt.

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Category: MTH603-mid

1. Sparse matrices arise in computing the numerical solution of …………….

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Category: MTH603-mid

2. The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has no zeros along its main diagonal

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Category: MTH603-mid

3. Power method is applicable if the eigen values are ______________.

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Category: MTH603-mid

4. While solving a system of linear equations by Gauss Jordon Method, after all the elementary row operations if there lefts also zeros on the main diagonal then which of the is true about the system?

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Category: MTH603-mid

5. Relaxation Method is a/an ……….

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Category: MTH603-mid

6. Sparse matrix is a matrix with ……….

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Category: MTH603-mid

7. Central difference method seems to be giving a better approximation, however it requires more computations.

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Category: MTH603-mid

8. An eigenvector V is said to be normalized if the coordinate of largest magnitude is equal to zero

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Category: MTH603-mid

9. If x is an eigen value corresponding to eigen value of V of a matrix A. If a is any constant, then x – a is an eigen value corresponding to eigen vector V is an of the matrix A - a I.

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Category: MTH603-mid

10. Let A be an n ×n matrix. The number x is an eigenvalue of A if there exists a non-zero vector v such that _______.

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Category: MTH603-mid

11. Below are all the finite difference methods EXCEPT _________.

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Category: MTH603-mid

12. An indefinite integral may _________ in the sense that the limit defining it may not exist

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Category: MTH603-mid

13. In interpolation is used to represent the δ

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Category: MTH603-mid

14. While solving a system of linear equations, which of the following approach is economical for the computer memory?

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Category: MTH603-mid

15. Symbol used for forward differences is

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Category: MTH603-mid

16. The eigenvectors of a square matrix are the non-zero vectors that, after being multiplied by the matrix, remain …………… to the original vector.

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17. The linear equation: 2x+0y-2=0 has -------- solution/solutions

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Category: MTH603-mid

18. While using Relaxation method, which of the following is the Residuals for 1st iteration on the system; 2x+3y = 1, 3x +2y =4 ?

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Category: MTH603-mid

19. Gauss - Jordan Method is similar to ……….

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Category: MTH603-mid

20. The determinant of a diagonal matrix is the product of the diagonal elements

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Category: MTH603-mid

21. While using Relaxation method, which of the following is the largest Residual for 1st iteration on the system; 2x+3y = 1, 3x +2y = - 4 ?

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Category: MTH603-mid

22. Gauss–Seidel method is also known as method of …………….

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Category: MTH603-mid

23. .In Simpson’s Rule, we use parabolas to approximating each part of the curve. This proves to be very efficient as compared to Trapezoidal rule

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Category: MTH603-mid

24. Differences methods find the ________ solution of the system.

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Category: MTH603-mid

25. Euler's Method numerically computes the approximate derivative of a function

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Category: MTH603-mid

26. In Jacobi’s Method, the rate of convergence is quite ______ compared with other methods

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Category: MTH603-mid

27. In …………… method, a system is reduced to an equivalent diagonal form using elementary transformations.

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Category: MTH603-mid

28. Euler's Method numerically computes the approximate ________ of a function

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Category: MTH603-mid

29. The Jacobi iteration converges, if A is strictly diagonally dominant.

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Category: MTH603-mid

30. Numerical methods for finding the solution of the system of equations are classified as direct and ………… methods

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Note before downloading MTH603 midterm past paper

One thing to note dear fellows that you must don’t rely on these papers only. They can be a source of help but not an ultimate solution. If you want to get good marks in your exams you are advised to go through all of your handouts and must watch all of the video lectures.

Golden rules for good marks in VU Exams.

As per my experience, I have developed some golden rules for getting good marks in Virtual University Exams based on experience. I got 3.96 CGPA by following these rules. So here they are:

  1. Never miss your Quiz, Assignment, or GDB.
  2. Always try to do your Assignment on your own.
  3. Try your best to finish your video lectures 10 days before exams.
  4. Try your best to read your handouts twice before exams.
  5. Read forward attempt backward.
  6. Never schedule more than one paper on the same day.
  7. Your most difficult paper should have a gap of 1 or more days.
  8. Toughest paper must be scheduled first.
  9. Read questions forward and attempt backward.
  10. Don’t waste your time during a paper on illegal activities.

You can also download the Latest VU Handouts

To download the MTH603 midterm past paper click here.