Srs Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS)

srs (software requirments specifications)

SRS Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS)

Micro Volunteerism is getting more attraction for last past few years as it offers competitive
advantage to the non-profit organizations and charities. All the charities always require skilled persons as volunteers besides donations. The management of the volunteers is crucial to maintain as different volunteers will have different skillsets and different charities require volunteers according to their needs as projects. Volunteer management becomes more complicated in distributed environment as volunteering is collaboration-oriented activity and face to face meetings are not possible among globally dispersed stakeholders. The focus of the proposed system Micro Volunteering Management System is to eliminate all of these problems by providing a user-friendly system which will help the stake holders in effectively implementing volunteer process. Micro Volunteer Management will help both the individual volunteers and non-profit organizations by providing assistance to both without a single move.



Scope of Project Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS):

Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project  goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines. Defining the project scope involves adopting a clear vision and an agreement on the outcomes of the project. This allows each milestone of the project to stay on target

Functional and Non Functional Requirements of Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS):

Functional Requirements :

A functional requirement shows that what the system must do what services the system present to users. It describes a software system or its component. A function is nothing but inputs to the software system, its behavior, and outputs

Functional Requirements of Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS):

Provide a bulleted list of functional requirements
1. User authentication and authorization
2. Volunteer Profile Management:
3. Micro-Project Management
4. Collaboration
5. Volunteer Reward
6. Reporting

NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS):

  • Application is user friendly.
  • Application Perform fast manipulation and calculations.
  • Application is adaptable.
  • Application will be able to work on all types of operating systems.
  • Application will be capable to handle multi user activities simultaneously.
  • There will be back up system to face any problem in system
  • All the options should be learning friendly I.e. member could easily understand what that option will do if he clicked on it.
  • Response Time is very awesome.
Some others are:
  • Accessibility
  • Maintainability
  •  Fault Tolerance.
  • Security
  • Robustnes


Use Case Diagram of Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS)

a use case diagram can summarize the details of your system’s users   and their interactions with the system. Scenarios in which your system or application interacts with organizations, people, or external systems. Goals that your system or application helps those entities achieve



Usage Scenarios Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS):

A brief user story explaining who is using the system and what they are trying to accomplish. A Scenario is made up of a number of simple, discrete steps that are designated as being performed by either the System or a  User.


ADOPTED METHODOLOGY for Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS):

The adopted methodology for this project is vu process model. Vu process model is a combination of water-fall model and spiral model. This combination has many advantages. This model has high risk analysis so avoidance of risk would be achieved. This model is easy to understand and use. Now first we will discuss the Water-fall model.


Work Plan of Micro-Volunteer management System (mVMS):

Work plan

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