CS609 Final term Past Papers


CS609 Final term Past Papers


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LECTURE NO 1 (3 TO 10)

Q.1 Maximum number of interrupts in a standard PC is

► 64

► 128

► 256

► 512

There are two main types of interrupts namely _________________.

►PC based and Window based

►Hardware based and Kernal based

Hardware interrupts and Software interrupts

►None of the given

Q.2 Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) in short is a _______ bytes sized table.





Q.3 DMA stands for_________

Direct Memory Access

►Distinct Memory Access

►Direct Module Access

►Direct Memory Allocation

Q.4 Standard PC operates in two modes in terms of memory which are

►Real mode and Extended Mode

►Base mode and Memory Mode

►None of the given

Real mode and protected mode

Q.5 The Function of I/O controller is to provide ____________.

►I/O control signals


►Error Correction and Detection

All of given

Q.6 It is possible to perform I/O operations from three different methods.



Q.7 Following is not a method of I/O

►Programmed I/O

► Interrupt driven I/O

Hardware Based I/O

►None of given

LECTURE NO 2(11 TO 18)


Q.1 The Function of I/O controller is to provide ____________.

►I/O control signals


►Error Correction and Detection

All of given

Q.2 Each entry in the IVT is ________ in size.





Q.3 DOS command ________ which gives the status of the memory and also points out which memory area occupied by which process.




►None of the given

LECTURE NO 3 (19 TO 25)

Q.1 Set the Interrupt vector means to change the double word sized interrupt vector within IVT. ►True


Q.2 To set the interrupt vector means is to change the double word sized interrupt vector within the IVT.



Q.3 Each paragraph in keep function is ____ bytes in size.





Q.4 IVT is a table containing ______ byte entries each of which is a far address of an interrupt service routine.





Q.5 Interrupt service number is usually placed in ____________ register.





LECTURE NO 4 (26 TO 32)

Q.1 Timer interrupt occurs _______ times every second by means of hardware.





Q.2 Display device (Monitor) performs _________ I/O.

►memory mapped


►Both of above

►None of these

Keyboard Status Byte is located at the address

► 0040:0000H

► 0040:0013H

► 0040:0015H


Q.3 The output on the monitor is controlled by a controller called __________within the PC.

     ►Video controller

►Bus controller

►Ram controller

►None of the given

Q.4 The service number is usually placed in the ________ register.





Q.5 Timer interrupt is a _________.

►Hardware Interrupt

►Software Interrupt

►Both of these

►None of These

LECTURE NO 5 (33 TO 39)

Q.1 Interrupt 9 usually reads the _________ from keyboard.

►ASCII code

  ►Scan code

►Both ASCII and Scan code

►None of the above

Q.2 The keyboard makes use of interrupt number _______ for its input operations.

 ► 9




Q.3 Usually interrupt procedures are reentrant procedures especially those interrupt procedure compiled using C language compiler are reentrant



LECTURE NO 6 (40 TO 45)

Q.1 Block # 2 is the safest block to store the backup of boot block.



Q.2 ______ is Disk interrupt.





Q.3 On the execution of IRET instruction, number of bytes popped from stack is

► 4 bytes

► 6 bytes
► 8 bytes

► 10 bytes

LECTURE NO 7 (46 TO 53)

Q.1 The microprocessor package has many signals for data. Below are some in Correct priority order (Higher to Lower).


  ►NMI, INTR,Hold,Reset


►None of the Given

Q.2 A single interrupt controller can arbitrate among ____ different devices.





Q.3 NMI Stand for

►Non Maskable Interrupt

►Non Multitude Interrupt

►Non Maskable Instruction

►None of Given

Q.4 The service _________ is called the keyboard hook service.




Q.5 Hardware Interrupts are __________.



►Both Preemptive and Non-Preemptive

►None of Given

Q.6 The keyboards interface as discussed earlier uses the IRQ0 and the port 64H as data port.


► False

Q,7 To store each character in keyboard buffer ____ bytes are required.





Q.8 A software interrupt does not require EOI (End of interrupt).



Q.9 The microprocessor package has many signals for data. Below are some incorrect priority order (Higher to Lower).


►NMI, INTR,Hold,Reset


►None of the Given

Q.10 A single interrupt controller can arbitrate among ____ different devices.


► 6



Q.11 NMI Stand for?

►Non Maskable Interrupt

►Non Multitude Interrupt

►Non Maskable Instruction

►None of Given

Q.12 In IRQ2 and IRQ3 which one has the highest priority?

►Can’t be determined

►Both have same priority



Q.13  If three Programmable interrupt controllers are cascaded then how many interrupt driven hardware IO devices can be attached _____________





LECTURE NO 8 (54 TO 67)

Qno1. To store each character in keyboard buffer bytes are required.





Qno2. ____ No. of bytes are used to store the character in the keyboard buffer.

► 1



► 8

Qno3. Tail of keyboard should get to get the start of buffer.



Qno4. If keyboard buffer is empty the head and tail points at the same location.



Qno5. Interrupt _____ is empty; we can use its vector as a flag.





Qno6. Total No. of bytes that can be stored in Keyboard Buffer is____.





Qno7. The tail value of the keyboard buffer should be examined to get to the ______ of the buffer.




►None of given)

LECTURE NO 9 (68 TO 75)

Qno1. The interval timer is used to divide an input



Qno2. If we want to produce the grave voice from speaker phone then we have to load the ____ divisor values at Port ____.


►low, 0x22

►high, 0x22

►low, 0x42

Qno3. Counter register can be used to divide clock signal.



Qno4. Register can be used to divide frequency is _________

►Counter Register 

►Accumulator Register

►None of these

Qno5 In order to produce the sound from PC internal Speaker we have to load the___bit divisor value at the ___port.

►8, 0x21

►16, 0x42

►32, 0x22

►64, 0x32

Qno6. Command register is an _____ bit register





Qno7. The following command “outportb (0x61,inportb(0x61) | 3);” will ________ .

►Turn on the speaker 

►Turn off the speaker

►Toggle the speaker

►None of the above

Qno8. The following command “outportb (0x61,inportb(0x61) & 0xFC);” will

►Turn on the speaker

►Turn off the speaker 

►Toggle the speaker

►None of the given

Qno9. In counter register bit no. 3 changes its value between 0 and 1 with in ____clock cycles




► 16

Qno10. The interval timer can operate in _______ modes.





LECTURE NO 10 (76 TO 82)

Qno1. Int ________ is used to control the printer via the BIOS.





Qno2. PPI stands for?

►Parallel Programmable interface

Peripheral Programmable interface

►Port Programmable interface

►None of the given

Qno3. Communication between keyboard and keyboard controller is __________.

►Asynchronous serial

►Synchronous serial

►Parallel communication

►None of the given

Qno4. In parallel communication, the maximum numbers of bits we can send between two computers are ________. ?





Qno5. When we mark a file as deleted by placing 0xE5 then the chain of clusters in FAT is also replaced by ______. ?





LECTURE NO 11 (83 TO 94)

Qno1. An I/O device cannot be directly connected to the busses so controller is placed between CPU and I/O ?



Qno2. Standard PC can have _____ PPI?





Qno3. ________ store the base address for LPT1? ►40:00H




Qno4. __________is used to control the printer via the BIOS ?

►Int 16H

Int 17H

►Int 18H

►Int 19H

Qno5. PPI is used to perform parallel communication?



Qno6. BIOS DO NOT support ______?





Qno7. The PPI acts as an interface between the CPU and a parallel ________ ?

►I/O device



►None of Given

Qno8. If we want to send printing on the printer then we have to perform following steps.

►Initialize printer

►Read Status

►Check Error

►All of the given

LECTURE NO 12 (95 TO 102)

Qno1.The printer interface uses the .


IRQ 7 


None of given options

Qno2. PPI interconnection _______ bits is cleared to indicate low nibble is being sent.



► D3

► D4

Qno3. LPTs can be swapped.



Qno4. We have set the bit No. 7 of IMR(Interrupt Mask Register) to unmask the Interrupt so that interrupt _____ can occur at ____ line.

0xf ,IRQ 7

► 0xa, IRQ 6

► 0x8, IRQ 5

►0x6, IRQ 2

Qno5. At IRQ 7 Interrupt # ___ is used.

► 0x0A


► 0x0C


Qno6. If printer is _____ then printer sends back the ACK signal to the printer interface



►Out of paper

►None of the given

LECTURE NO 13 (103 TO 109)

Qno1. There are two type of communication synchronous and Anti Synchronous



Qno2. There are __________ kinds of serial communication.





Qno3. UART stands for_______

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

►Universal Adjustment and Realigning Tool

►Unconventional Assisted Recovery Team

►None of these

_____ bit is cleared to indicate the low nibble is being sent.





Qno4. In case of synchronous communication a timing signal is required to identify the start and end of a bit.



Qno5. DTE is ____________.

►Data terminal equipment

►Data transmitting equipment

►Dual terminal equipment

►None of the given

Qno6. In ____________each byte is needed to be encapsulated in start and end.

►Synchronous communication

Asynchronous communication


►None of given

Qno7. The built in mechanism within the UART for error detection is_____________

►hamming code


►CRC16 (cyclic redundancy check 16 bit )

►CRC32 (cyclic redundancy check 32 bit )

Qno8. DCE stands for __________.

Data communication equipment

►Distributed Computing Environment

►Data Communications Equipment

►Data Carrier Equipment

LECTURE NO 14 (110 TO 116)

Qno1. The bit of Line control register in UART, if set indicates that the DLL and DLM will act as the divisor


  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7 

 Qno2. In UART the line control register signify the .?

Word size and length of stop bits

parity check and parity type

Control bit

All of given PG 

Qno3. REGS is a Union



Qno3. The bit ______ of Line control register in UART, if cleared will indicate that DLL is the data register.





Qno4. The baud rate is set in accordance with the divisor value loaded within the UART internal registers base +0 and base +1.



Qno5. DSR stands for __________ .

►Data set ready  

►Data service ready

►Data stock ready

►None of the given

Qno6. BIOS support _____________UARTS as COM ports.





Qno7 _________ is used to identify the cause of interrupt.

►Interrupt ID Register  

►PC Register

►AC Register

►None of All These

LECTURE NO 15 (117 TO 124)

Qno1. Int 14H can be used to set the line parameter of the UART or COM

  • Service # 0 
  • Service # 1
  • Service # 2
  • Service # 3

Qno2. Int_____________ service 0 can be used to set the line parameter of the UART or COM port.




►None of the given option

In self test mode the output of the UART is routed to its input.




Qno3. Int 14H __________ can be used to receive a byte.

►Service # 0

►Service # 1

► Service # 2

►None of the given options

Qno4.Int 14H __________ can be used to set the line parameter of the UART or COM port. ►Service # 0

► Service # 1

►Service # 2

►None of the given options

Qno5. Int 14H____________ can be used to send a byte




►None of the given option

LECTURE NO 16 (125 TO 132)

Qno1. The ________function initialize the COM port whose number is passed as parameter using BIOS services.




►None of these option

Qno2. The memory addresses of COM ports remain same for all computers



Qno3. The________ function uses the COM port number to receive a byte from the COM port using BIOS services.


►initialize ()



Qno4. The ____________ function simply enables the self test facility within the modem control register




►None of these

LECTURE NO 17 (133 TO 145)

Qno1. is used to read time from





Qno2. ———— is used to set time from RTC





Qno3———— whenever receive indicates the start of communication ……….. whenever receive indicates the end of communication





Qno4. The BIOS interrupt ________ can be used to configure RTC.





Qno5. Software based flow control make use of ——– control characters





Qno6. ———— is used to read time from RTC





Qno7. The BIOS interrupt 0x1AH can be used to configure real time clock



Qno8. Only ________ ports are important from programming point of view.

► 70 and 71H

►71 and 72H

►70 and 72H

►72 and 73H

Qno9____whenever received indicates the start of communication and ______ whenever received indicates a temporary pause in the communication.





Qno10———— is used to read date from RTC





Qno11______ is used to set time.





Qno12Interrupt ______ is used to get or set the time.





Qno13________ is a device incorporated into the PC to update time even if the computer is off.

►Clock counter



Real time clock

LECTURE NO 18 (146 TO 154)

Qno1 The status register _____ is the main control register.





LECTURE NO 19 (155 TO 162)

Qno1 The amount of memory above conventional memory (extended memory) can be determined using the service _______.





Qno2 _________ used to determine the amount of conventional memory interfaced with the processor in kilobytes.

►INT 10 H

►INT 11 H

INT 12 H

►INT 13 H

LECTURE NO 20 (163 TO 171)

Qno1. The bit number _______ of the coprocessor control word is the interrupt enable flag.





Qno2. If CPUID instruction is not present then the processor can be a

486 processor

► 386 processor

► 286 processor

► All of the above

Qno3. To distinguish 486 with Pentium CPUID Test is used.



Qno4. Bit number _______ of coprocessor control word is the Interrupt Enable Flag.





Qno5.Bit # ___________ of Eflag is used for alignment check




LECTURE NO 21 (172 TO 179)

Qno1. Which port is known as Data Port______





Qno2. Extended memory is available if the processor is of the type _______________



►All of the given choices

►None of them

Qno3. Bit number _____ of port 64H Status register used for input buffer full.





Qno4. Bit number _____ can declares the parity error of port 64H Status register.





Qno5. Bit number 2 of port 64H Status register used for output buffer full.



Qno6. The keyboard can perform _______ serial I/O.





Qno7. Keyboard uses port ____ as status port.





Qno8. The keyboard input character scan code is received at ___ port.





Qno9. The keyboard device writes a code 0xFA on the port 60H to indicate that the _______.

►Input buffer is full

Byte has been received properly

►Output buffer is full

►None of the given

LECTURE NO 22 (180 TO 185)

Qno1________means typematic rate will be sent in next byte.





Qno2_______ is LED control byte.





LECTURE NO 23 (186 TO 191)

Qno1. DMA works in  ——- MODES






Qno2. The  signals are used by various devices to request a DMA




None of the given

Qno3. By cascading two DMAs ____ bits can be transferred.





Qno4. ________ Register can be used to show that the channel is single transfer, block transfer or demand transfer mode.

►DMA Command register

►DMA Request Register

►DMA Mode Register

►DMA controller Register

Qno5. A single DMA can transfer ______ operands to and from memory in a single a bus cycle.





Qno6. The DMA requests to acquire buses through the ________ signal.




►None of Given

LECTURE NO 24 (192 TO 198)

Qno1. DMA Request register can be used to simulate a DMA request through software in case of .

I/O to memory transfer

None of the given

Memory to memory transfer  

 Memory to I/O transfer


LECTURE NO 25 (199 TO 206)

Qno1. In main memory smallest addressable unit is .




None of the given


Qno2. Blocks are ____?

Sectors per track  

 Track per sector

Cylinder per track

None of the given

Qno3. File control block (FCB) is __________ byte long.




Qno4. To store a cluster in FAT 32 _____ is/are needed.



►2 Bytes

►4 Bytes

Qno5. For supporting long file names, _________ fragments can be supported.





Qno6.Each addressable unit has a unique combination of sec#, head #, track # as its ——— address.

►Physical (page 202)




Qno7. File system used in CD’s is_______ file system




LECTURE NO 26 (207 TO 215)

Qno1. Highest capacity physical capacity of the disk according to the IDE interface is _________.

►127 GB 

►100 GB

►80 GB

►300 GB

Qno2. BIOS services understand ——–.


►Cluster #

LECTURE NO 27 (216 TO 222)

Qno1. Information about further partitioned drives is available at  physical block of extended





Qno2. Last  bytes of data part in partitioning table are the partition table  —







Qno3. The ______ service # is not used in any interrupt.





Qno4. Each partition information chunk is 16 bytes long and the last two bytes at the end of the partition table data part is the partition table signature whose value should be _______ indicating that the code part contains valid executable code.





LECTURE NO 28 (223 TO 228)

LECTURE NO 29 (229 TO 235)

Qno1. Partition Table can be read using the extended ____________ Services.

►13 H

►14 H

►15 H

►None of given

Qno2. The partition table uses the extended _________ service.





Qno3. LBA address can be used in place of the CHS address.



LECTURE NO 30 (236 TO 243)

Qno1. Using the root directory entry and the , we can access the contents of

Reserved Blocks

Number of FAT copies

File Allocation Table(FAT)  

 None of the given


Qno2.  will be used to get drive

► Int 13H/42H

► Int 13H/48H  

►  Int 13H/66H

► Int 13H/66H

Qno3. When LBA is equal to zero (0), it means ________.

► First block of the disk

► First block of the logical drive

► First block of the hidden block

►None of the given

Qno4. A file has 2 clusters and the size of cluster is 4K. What will be the size of file?





Qno5. ______ is the first block on disk.

►LSN =0



►Both LBA=0 and LSN=0

Qno6. If a file size is 12K and the size of the cluster is 4K then _____ clusters are used for the file.





Qno7. To store a cluster in FAT 32 _____ is/are needed.



►2 Bytes

►4 Bytes

Qno8. Boot block consists of ______ bytes.





Qno9.________ is an absolute address relative to the start of physical drive.




►None of the above

Qno10. In dos we have limit of _______ .

128 blocks per cluster

►256 blocks per cluster

►32 blocks per cluster

►64 blocks per cluster

Qno11. The practical limit of blocks per cluster is _______.

►32 blocks per cluster

►64 blocks per cluster

►128 blocks per cluster

►256 blocks per cluster

Qno12. _______ is relative address with respect to the start of Logical Drive.




►None of the given

Qno13. When LSN is equal to zero (0), it means ________.

► First block of the disk

► First block of the logical drive

►First block of hidden blocks

► None of the given

Qno14. BPB stands for _________.

►BIOS parameter block

►BIOS processing block

►Base processing block

►BIOS partition block

Qno15. ________ is a collection of contagious blocks.




►None of Given

Qno16. LSN of FS Info block is available at



►Root Directory

►None of the given

LECTURE NO 31 (244 TO 248)

Qno1. A cluster is a collection of contiguous _______.




►None of Given

LECTURE NO 32 (249 TO 255)

Qno1.A programmer wants to access the DPB(Drive Parameter Block) for C drive using undocumented service 21H/32H, what he should place in DL register          ?





Qno2. In BPB, root directory is saved in _________.





Qno3.The size of FCB data structure is _______ bytes.




Qno4. The size of DPB data structure is _______ bytes.




Qno5. Drive parameter block is derived from ___________.





Qno6. To access drive parameter block we use undocumented service ______





Qno7. What will be the value of DL register when we are accessing C drive using undocumented service 21H/32H?





Qno8. _________ is used to read a block against its LSN.




►None of the given

Qno9. What will be the value of the word located at 1Fh in DPB when number of free clusters on drive is not known?




►None of the given.

LECTURE NO 33 (256 TO 261)

Qno1. ________ is an internal data structure of DOS and resides in main memory.



►None of the given 

Qno2. If we know the cluster number, we can access the blocks within the cluster using BIOS services directly.



Qno3. Control information about files is maintained using ______.





Qno4. The directory structure of DOS is like ________.



►Linked list

►None of the given

Qno5. To access the block within cluster using BIOS services the cluster number should be converted into _____.



►LSN (Page 258)

►None of the given

Qno6. Cluster size is reduced in __________.




►None of the given

Qno7. Cluster number can also be referred as block number.



Qno8. When we talk about FAT based file system, in user data area first cluster number is ______.




►None of the given

Qno9. File can be______ viewed as collection of clusters or blocks.



►Both physically and logically


Qno10. File can be _______ viewed as organization of data.



►Both logically and physically

►None of the give

Qno11. Operating system name contains ____ bytes in boot block.





Qno12. Control information in files is maintained using





LECTURE NO 34 (262 TO 266)

Qno1. FAT12 will have 12-bit wide entries and can have 2^12=4096 entries maximum ►True

► False

Qno2. ________ file system keeps the backup of its boot block.



►None of the given

Qno3. Advantages of FAT32 is/are ________.

►Large disk size can be managed in FAT32
►Cluster size is reduced

►Internal fragmentation is reduced

►All of the given

Qno4. FAT based file system can store file name in ________ form.




►None of the given

Qno5. If a file is having more than one cluster then it will be managed by ______.




►None of the above

Qno6. Internal fragmentation is reduced in _______________.




►None of the given

Qno7. In FAT32 __________ root directory entries are there.




None of the given

Qno8. Maximum possible entries in FAT12 are ________.





Qno9. Practically __________ entries are there in FAT 32.





Qno10. In FAT12, the maximum range of clusters is ………

►0 ~ FEFH

►1~ FEFH

►2 ~ FEFH

►3 ~ FEFH

Qno11. The first cluster number of a file can be found in———





LECTURE NO 35 (267 TO 273)

Qno1. If FAT entry is between FFF0H to FFF6H in FAT16 then _______.

►Cluster is available

It is a Reserved cluster

►It is next file cluster

►It is a last file cluster

Qno2. We can access Blocks for FAT using _________.




►Both BPB and DPB

Qno3. We can access the contents of File by using the root directory entry and _____. ►Reserved Blocks

►Number of FAT copies

File Allocation Table (FAT) 

►None of the given

Qno4. In FAT12, to calculate the address or offset from index, we need to multiply it with ___.





Qno5. Using the____ entry and the FAT we can access the contents of file.

►Reserved blocks

►Root Directory

►Number of FAT copies

►None of the given

Qno6. First cluster in user data is numbered in a FAT based system.






LECTURE NO 36 (274 TO 282)

LECTURE NO 37 (283 TO 290)

Qno1. ____ is the first logical sector of NTFS partition.



►Boot sector


Qno2. How many bytes can be used to store a file name in NTFS?





Qno3. In NTFS, boot sector is stored at

►First and 6th sector

►First and Last sector

►Only at Last sector

►Only at First sector

Qno4. In NTFS, up to ________ characters are used to store files names,





Qno5. To store a UNICODE character ____ is/are needed.


2 Bytes

►4 Bytes

LECTURE NO 38 (291 TO 300)

Qno1. In FAT32, lower _______ bits are used.

► 26




Qno2. Disadvantage of FAT32 is ________.

►Large disk size can be managed in FAT32

►Cluster size is reduced

►Internal fragmentation is reduced

Very large table

Qno3. The size of FS Info block is


►128 byte

►256 byte

►512 byte

LECTURE NO 39 (301 TO 305)

Qno1. IN NTFS, FAT and root directory is replaced by



►Hidden blocks

►Boot sector

Qno2. In boot block BIOS parameter block starts from





Qno3. ___________ file system is used in NTFS based systems.

Contiguous Chained


None of the given

Qno4. In NTFS, contents and indexed of file is stored in _________.

►Small record

►Large Record

►Both small & large file Record

►None of given

Qno5. In NTFS, _______ store the contents of file.

►Both small & large file Record

►Small record

►Large Record

►None of given

Qno6. In NTFS, total sizes of MFT entries are _______.





Qno7. Jump code part contains ____ bytes in boot block.





Qno8. In NTFS first ——– entries are reserved.





LECTURE NO 40 (306 TO 311)

Qno1. In NTFS, Backup of boot block is stored at block # __________.





Qno2. DOS device drivers do not understand the_____ data structures.





Qno3. What will happen if NTFS volume is accessed in DOS?

►Convert it to FAT volume

►Nothing will happen

Error of invalid media

►None of the given

Qno4. NTFS volume can be accessed directly in DOS.



LECTURE NO 41 (312 TO 316)

LECTURE NO 42 (317 TO 323)

Qno1. In memory map of first 1 MB of ram ,the first ——– is called conventional RAM.





Qno2. In memory map of first 1 MB of ram ,the higher ——– is called system memory.





Qno3. Service 21H/52H service returns the address of DOS internal data structures in ES: BX ________behind the address returned lies the far address of the first MCB in memory.





LECTURE NO 43 (324 TO 328)

Qno1. In Protected Mode, the segment registers are used as _______________ ►Descriptor


►All of the given choices

►None of the given choices

LECTURE NO 44 (329 TO 331)

Qno1. 80386 can have ___________ control registers.




►4 (Page 331)

LECTURE NO 45 (332 TO     )

Qno1. The entry point of execution in EXE File can be

►Start of the first instruction

►Start of the last instruction

Anywhere in the Program 

►Can be in the middle of the program