CS609 Midterm Past Papers


CS609 Midterm Past Papers

Download cs 609 midterm past papers before attempt midterm exam. Cs609 midterm past papers solved by moaaz and cs609 midterm solved papers by waqar siddue is very help in papers. You can download cs609 midterm past  mcqs and cs609 midterm past papers subjective in one zip file.cs609 mdterm past solved papers by waqar siddue is just like real papers and cs609 mi term past papers solved by moaaz all question is with reference.

What is Cs609 practice quiz ?

Cs609 practice quiz is online quiz made by xhunta.com for practice before exam. You will attempt quiz any time. quiz have a lot of question from past  papers and every quiz select 30 question randomly. Every time you select quiz question will be changed, so practice before attempt quiz , mid term papers or final term papers.

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Created on By faisal_faisi
midterm past paper quiz

CS609 lecture wise midterm quiz (practice)

Welcome to CS609 Midterm Online Practice Quiz.

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1 / 30

Keyboard uses port ____ as status port?

2 / 30

The bit number _______ of the coprocessor control word is the interrupt enable flag?

3 / 30

________ is a device incorporated into the PC to update time even if the computer is off?

4 / 30

———— is used to read date from RTC?

5 / 30

____whenever received indicates the start of communication and ______ whenever received indicates a temporary pause in the communication?

6 / 30

———— whenever receive indicates the start of communication ……….. whenever receive indicates the end of communication?

7 / 30

The________ function uses the COM port number to receive a byte from the COM port using BIOS services?

8 / 30

The ________function initialize the COM port whose number is passed as parameter using BIOS services.?

9 / 30

Int 14H __________ can be used to receive a byte?

10 / 30

In self test mode the output of the UART is routed to its input?

11 / 30

DSR stands for __________?

12 / 30

In ____________each byte is needed to be encapsulated in start and end?

13 / 30

There are two type of communication synchronous and Anti Synchronous?

14 / 30

At IRQ 7 Interrupt # ___ is used?

15 / 30

The printer interface uses the?

16 / 30

__________is used to control the printer via the BIOS ?

17 / 30

Communication between keyboard and keyboard controller is __________?

18 / 30

The interval timer can operate in _______ modes?

19 / 30

Counter register can be used to divide clock signal?

20 / 30

Total No. of bytes that can be stored in Keyboard Buffer is____?

21 / 30

To store each character in keyboard buffer ____ bytes are required?

22 / 30

Hardware Interrupts are __________?

23 / 30

Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) in short is a _______ bytes sized table?

24 / 30

DMA stands for_________?

25 / 30

Set the Interrupt vector means to change the double word sized interrupt vector within IVT?

26 / 30

IVT is a table containing ______ byte entries each of which is a far address of an interrupt service routine?

27 / 30

Timer interrupt occurs _______ times every second by means of hardware?

28 / 30

Timer interrupt is a _________?

29 / 30

Usually interrupt procedures are reentrant procedures especially those interrupt procedure compiled using C language compiler are reentrant?

30 / 30

A single interrupt controller can arbitrate among ____ different devices?

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