CS602 Midterm Past Paper online Practice Quiz

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midterm past paper quiz

CS602 Midterm Past Paper

You have come here while searching for cs602 midterm past papers. But before going to download the cs602 midterm past paper. I have a better option for you. That is, that you can attempt the online quiz of cs602.

Practice Quiz from CS602 Midterm Past Paper

This quiz will evaluate your preparation for the cs602 midterm examination and it is based on the past papers of cs602. The purpose of this quiz is to evaluate your performance in this subject. If you can pass this quiz, then there is a great chance that you can secure good marks in your exams.

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midterm past paper quiz

CS602 Midterm Past Paper Online Practice Quiz

Welcome to CS602 Midterm Online Practice Quiz.

You can check your preparation of CS602 for your Exams here.

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Category: CS602-mid

1. __________ is the process of describing an object or scene so that we can construct an image of

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Category: CS602-mid

2. Using Cohen-Sutherland line clipping, it is impossible for a vertex to be labeled 1111.

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Category: CS602-mid

3. In video text memory, ______ are used to display a character

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Category: CS602-mid

4. The process of subdivision an entity or surface into one or more non-overlapping primitives

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Category: CS602-mid

5. Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm clips any polygon against a concave clip polygon

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Category: CS602-mid

6. Each number that makes up a matrix is called an __________ of the matrix.

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Category: CS602-mid

7. _________________ is the set of points that are equidistant from its origin

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Category: CS602-mid

8. ________uses a divide and conquer strategy.

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Category: CS602-mid

9. Parity is a concept used to determine which _________________ lie within a polygon.

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Category: CS602-mid

10. Both Boundary Filling and Flood filling algorithms are _____________ as compared to scan line filling algorithm.

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Category: CS602-mid

11. Shortcoming of Sutherland-Hodgeman Algorithm is concave polygons may be displayed with extensors lines

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Category: CS602-mid

12. Shadow mask methods can display a __________ range of colors

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Category: CS602-mid

13. x^2 / a^2 ) + ( y^2 / b^2 ) = 1 is an equation of ____________________________.
Select correct option:

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Category: CS602-mid

14. A two dimensional rotation is applied to an object by repositioning it along a ______________ path in the XY plane

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Category: CS602-mid

15. In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit 2 represents condition

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Category: CS602-mid

16. Save a line with both endpoints inside all clipping boundaries

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Category: CS602-mid

17. Vectors can be multiplied in a way

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Category: CS602-mid

18. Process of moving points in space is called

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Category: CS602-mid

19. In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit 1 represents condition

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Category: CS602-mid

20. Concave polygons are superset of________ polygons, having fewer restrictions than ______

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Category: CS602-mid

21. When scaling factor Sx and Sy are assigned the same value, ___________________ scaling is produced that maintains relative object proportions.

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Category: CS602-mid

22. Each hyperbola consists of two ___________.

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Category: CS602-mid

23. Various curve functions are useful in ________________________.

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Category: CS602-mid

24. DDA abbreviated for __________________.

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Category: CS602-mid

25. By preserving the original shape of an object with a scaling is called _______ scaling.

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Category: CS602-mid

26. In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit 3 represents condition

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Category: CS602-mid

27. Which one of the following step is not involved to write pixel using video BIOS services.

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Category: CS602-mid

28. Twice the radius of circle is called as ____________________.

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Category: CS506-mid

29. __________transformation produces shape distortions as if objects were composed of layers that
are caused to slide over each other.

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Category: CS602-mid

30. In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit 4 represents condition

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Note before downloading CS602 midterm past paper

One thing to note dear fellows that you must don’t rely on these papers only. They can be a source of help but not an ultimate solution. If you want to get good marks in your exams you are advised to go through all of your handouts and must watch all of the video lectures.

Golden rules for good marks in VU Exams.

As per my experience, I have developed some golden rules for getting good marks in Virtual University Exams based on experience. I got 3.96 CGPA by following these rules. So here they are:

  1. Never miss your Quiz, Assignment, or GDB.
  2. Always try to do your Assignment on your own.
  3. Try your best to finish your video lectures 10 days before exams.
  4. Try your best to read your handouts twice before exams.
  5. Read forward attempt backward.
  6. Never schedule more than one paper on the same day.
  7. Your most difficult paper should have a gap of 1 or more days.
  8. Toughest paper must be scheduled first.
  9. Read questions forward and attempt backward.
  10. Don’t waste your time during a paper on illegal activities.

You can also download the Latest VU Handouts

To download the CS602 midterm past paper click here.