SRS Voice Controlled based Smart Home for Handicapped Peoples
Home automation is the future and an important part of a house. Home automation is highly reliable in the system for controlling house electrical appliances and other home-based ornaments like temperature, humidity, etc. As technologies improve the home automation system is becoming smarter and can regulate certain tasks automatically and autonomously. The home automation systems are cost-effective and reduce the consumption of energy in the household and cut the cost of electricity bills. The voice-controlled smart home automation system helps to control electrical appliances by
using voice commands. The system uses a Bluetooth module for data transmission for controlling the functioning of electrical loads. The Bluetooth can receive an input signal from any device which has Bluetooth compatibility such as a smartphone. Smart home automation is most beneficial for handicapped or aged people. The system solves the problem of switching on/off electrical appliances because when the user just has to give a voice command to control the appliance or electrical loads. The system is designed in such a way users can control all appliances at once or can control each separately. The system works by interfacing the on/off switches of electrical appliances or loads by using a mechanical relay or solid-state replay, after connecting relays in the system the electrical switch works as a two-way switch. The voice command is sent by using software designed for controlling the system, a built-in microphone, and a voice recognition system implemented in the device. A micro-controller-based design is implemented in the system, the microcontroller receives an input signal from the user
device and sent a signal to the respective relay for turning on/off electrical appliances connected with a system such as bulbs, and fans, air conditioner units, etc. Last, one of the major functions of the system is to call for help. Your system must be capable for generate a signal for help based on voice input.
Scope of Project Voice Controlled based Smart Home for Handicapped Peoples:
Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines. Defining the project scope involves adopting a clear vision and an agreement on the outcomes of the project. This allows each milestone of the project to stay on target
Functional and Non Functional Requirements of Voice Controlled based Smart Home for Handicapped Peoples:
Functional Requirements :
A functional requirement shows that what the system must do what services the system present to users. It describes a software system or its component. A function is nothing but inputs to the software system, its behavior, and outputs
Functional Requirements of Voice Controlled based Smart Home for Handicapped Peoples:
Our Complete System will have:
ï‚· Two Smart Rooms with
1. 1 Fan & 2 Bulbs in each room.
2. 1 1.5 Ton AC Control for each room.
3. 1 Smart LED/TV for each room.
4. Smart Help Indicator generation Mechanism.
5. Complete Temperature & Humidity status of both rooms on Mobile Application.
6. All interfaced devices must be controlled from the Mobile Application based on their
Voice Signals from the user.
7. The system can control the AC Temperature from Mobile application using Voice
8. The system can control the Channels & Sound of the TV/LCD using Voice Commands.
9. The system can generate emergency signal or HELP signal based on Voice Input.
A Mobile Application:
1. Has Voice Communication Module to communicate with your Home Automation
System to control all linked/interfaced devices.
2. Display the current Temperature & Humdity Status of your Rooms.
You have to design a System for 2 Rooms.
3. For each room:
Your system must be capable to control the devices (A Fan, Two Bulbs & 1 Air
The system can turn ON/OF the Fan/Bulb/Air Conditioner & Smart TV/LED.
The system Can increase/decrease the temperature of the interfaced Air
The system can change the channel and increase/decrease the volume of the
TV/LED.                                                           The application must have a module to call/SMS an emergency number based
on the voice input for help.
 Smart Home Module:
1. The module can communicate with Mobile application through any medium
2. Smart Home Module must have the temperature, humidity, and devices status
shown on the LED/LCD interface.
3. Your smart home module will be placed in the home and will have all stated devices
(2 FANS, 4 Bulbs, 2 AC & 2 Smart TV/LED).
4. The module must have the ability to act on the voice commands received from a
mobile device using with GSM/GRPS/Wifi/Bluetooth interface.
NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Voice Controlled based Smart Home for Handicapped Peoples:
- Application is user friendly.
- Application Perform fast manipulation and calculations.
- Application is adaptable.
- Application will be able to work on all types of operating systems.
- Application will be capable to handle multi user activities simultaneously.
- There will be back up system to face any problem in system
- All the options should be learning friendly I.e. member could easily understand what that option will do if he clicked on it.
- Response Time is very awesome.
Some others are:
- Accessibility
- Maintainability
- Â Fault Tolerance.
- Security
- Robustnes
Use Case Diagram of Diagnosis of Voice Controlled based Smart Home for Handicapped Peoples
a use case diagram can summarize the details of your system’s users   and their interactions with the system. Scenarios in which your system or application interacts with organizations, people, or external systems. Goals that your system or application helps those entities achieve
Usage Scenarios Diagnosis of Voice Controlled based Smart Home for Handicapped Peoples:
A brief user story explaining who is using the system and what they are trying to accomplish. A Scenario is made up of a number of simple, discrete steps that are designated as being performed by either the System or a  User.
ADOPTED METHODOLOGY for Voice Controlled based Smart Home for Handicapped Peoples:
The adopted methodology for this project is vu process model. Vu process model is a combination of water-fall model and spiral model. This combination has many advantages. This model has high risk analysis so avoidance of risk would be achieved. This model is easy to understand and use. Now first we will discuss the Water-fall model.
Work Plan of Diagnosis of Voice Controlled based Smart Home for Handicapped Peoples:
Work plan
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