CS615 Midterm Past Paper online Practice Quiz

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midterm past paper quiz

CS615 Midterm Past Paper

You have come here while searching for CS615 midterm past papers. But before going to download the CS615 midterm past paper. I have a better option for you. That is, that you can attempt the online quiz of CS615.

Practice Quiz from CS615 Midterm Past Paper

This quiz will evaluate your preparation for the CS615 midterm examination and it is based on the past papers of CS615. The purpose of this quiz is to evaluate your performance in this subject. If you can pass this quiz, then there is a great chance that you can secure good marks in your exams.

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midterm past paper quiz

CS615 Midterm Past Papers Practice Quiz

Welcome to CS615 Midterm Online Practice Quiz.

You can check your preparation of CS615 for your Exams here.

Questions Will be different every time you will attempt.

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Category: CS615-mid

1. Product quality depends on its conformance to            

2 / 30

Category: CS615-mid

2. In problem evaluation area of effort, once problems have been identified, the                      determines what information is to be produced by the new system and what data will be provided to the system.

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Category: CS615-mid

3. The Introduction of the software requirements specification states the

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Category: CS615-mid

4. A baseline version                     

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Category: CS615-mid

5. During the Implementation phase the software modules are coded and initial unit tests are performed.


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Category: CS615-mid

6. Cognitive model describes a system as perceived by its                   

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Category: CS615-mid

7. A node on a network schedule is that point in time at which an activity                 .


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Category: CS615-mid

8. Mode of specification has a great impact on quality of solution. Forcing SWE to work with incomplete, inconsistence, or misleading specifications result in frustration and confusion affecting:

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Category: CS615-mid

9. Finally, the specification includes a    

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Category: CS615-mid

10. Predecessor activities need to                   before the next can begin. After a predecessor activity is completed, the successor activity becomes the predecessor for another activity.


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Category: CS615-mid

11. A review of the Software Requirements Specification is conducted by                 


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Category: CS615-mid

12. The British Standards Institution (1986) has stated the quality as


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Category: CS615-mid

13. Both the software engineer and customer take an active role in software requirements engineering-a set of activities that is often referred to as Requirement:

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Category: CS615-mid

14. You can use the Item Traceability Matrix to identify                at the end of each phase


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Category: CS615-mid

15. _____ensures that appropriate steps to follow the product development procedures are carried out

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Category: CS615-mid

16. Synchronization control helps to ensure that parallel changes performed by two different people do      .

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Category: CS615-mid

17. A meeting is conducted at a  and attended by both software engineers and customers

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Category: CS615-mid

18. These all are Product Revision Factors except.

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Category: CS615-mid

19. Project management is a          of constant communication and negotiation

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Category: CS615-mid

20. The quality of software is said to be high if it meets the


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Category: CS615-mid

21. Software project are carried out sequentially and that each phase is completed before the next is taken up

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Category: CS615-mid

22. Cognitive model describes a system as perceived by its                   


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Category: CS615-mid

23. A software project that meets all the stated objectives is a success of                   


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Category: CS615-mid

24.                  is path finding                , is path following

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Category: CS615-mid

25.               is the technical kernel of software engineering

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Category: CS615-mid

26. The model serves as a foundation for software design and as the basis for the creation of            for the Software

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Category: CS615-mid

27. Requirements are refined and analyzed to assess their clarity, completeness, and              

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Category: CS615-mid

28. Project management processes can be organized into                             groups

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Category: CS615-mid

29. To control versions, you can use        

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Category: CS615-mid

30. These all are outputs of Initiating Process except

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Note before downloading CS615 midterm past paper

One thing to note dear fellows that you must don’t rely on these papers only. They can be a source of help but not an ultimate solution. If you want to get good marks in your exams you are advised to go through all of your handouts and must watch all of the video lectures.

Golden rules for good marks in VU Exams.

As per my experience, I have developed some golden rules for getting good marks in Virtual University Exams based on experience. I got 3.96 CGPA by following these rules.So here they are:
  1. Never miss your Quiz, Assignment, or GDB.
  2. Always try to do your Assignment on your own.
  3. Try your best to finish your video lectures 10 days before exams.
  4. Try your best to read your handouts twice before exams.
  5. Read forward attempt backward.
  6. Never schedule more than one paper on the same day.
  7. Your most difficult paper should have a gap of 1 or more days.
  8. Toughest paper must be scheduled first.
  9. Read questions forward and attempt backward.
  10. Don’t waste your time during a paper on illegal activities.

You can also download the Latest VU Handouts

To download the CS615 midterm past paper click here.